Your word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path . Psalm 119:105
This scripture is a clear path of direction for your life. It breaks down the barriers of religious belief and make you understand clearly what having a relationship with Christ truly looks like.
When you know his word, you know him and you will recognize that he is truly the word. It’s only by spending time in his word that you will begin to see his greatness, love, power, mercies, grace etc. His word will build a strong foundation that we can stand on, one that is unshakeable. When the storms of life comes, we will be able to withstand because we have the assurance in him through the word. Even if he is invisible to us, we will know that he is still there because he promises that he will never leave us or forsake us, Hebrew 13:5. God’s word is powerful. When you get into the word and mediate on it day and night that does something amazing in your life. It teaches you to be humble, forgiving, loving, caring, compassionate etc. There are so many benefits in the word of God, like freedom, Hope joy, peace, Wisdom, Knowledge, Understanding, and lots of instruction. He leads and guides us in the right path. The word of God is going to help build that bridge which will catapult you to know and understand your true identity in Christ. Who you are and what you created for. It will transform you from your brokenness to wholesomeness, leading you to the purpose and destiny that he has in store for you.
All my life I was alway thinking and believing that I could not write a paragraph, I could not put my sentences together to make any sense., and that was such a barrier in my life, and I believed that lie all along, until one day God broke
that barrier. Standing in my kitchen one day, I heard a voice clearly saying take a pen and paper and begin to write, am thinking what? But I yield to it, obeyed the instructions and sat down and begun writing. When I was done I could not believe I had written such a wonderful profile, with that writing I was offered a price and profile was used to encouraged others. Ever since I have been writing and blogging. God has given me clear direction to write to enable others to see and understand how his word can bring real and lasting transformation to their life. A transformation will clearly open their eyes to see and understand who he really is. The one who cares about every details of our lives , he brings order into our chaotic life, because he is a God of order and of perfect timing. He is truly the the God of restoration , he restores family, marriages, finances relationship etc. god has a lot in store for us. Do not say you can’t , always say I will, and I can.
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