
Purpose in the Pain

The process may be long but it is well worth the wait. when you put a seed in the ground, it goes through that dark process of being alone, it has to die, if you don’t water that seed, it will sure die, but as you waters and wait with expectation, suddenly one day the germination begins and out comes that shoot which you were waiting for. Our lives goes through the same process. There are seed that are planted in our lives, and we feel like we are under heavy burden, everything around us feel dark and lonesome, just like that seed under the ground, we need to have the faith to believe that there is going to be a turnaround for the better. We must water and nourish that seed with the word of God. we can only imagine the decaying process of the seed underground. I believe the dark times in our lives are the decaying process, and as we stay strong and not resist our process, of giving up the things that are not necessary to our growth, change will come. Though it feels painful to go through the process, that enables us to find our purpose. we cannot find our purpose in the good times. it is in the darkest seasons of our lives that we find purpose. The seed shoots up and becomes a beautiful, flower, plant, vegetable and that is it’s purpose, it went through a dying and decaying purpose to be something that others will cherish. do not reject your dying and decaying process, for one day you will be that person of purpose.

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